Chislib 23 Things Task

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I have the DTs

I have dutifully explored Delicious and Technorati and was disappointed that Delicious had nothing to do with food although I might find it useful in small bites. Technorati doesn't grab me - maybe I need a a few hours to appreciate its aims.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Having fun


I always love to change things so Wikinations suit me. I love "The Sound of Music" also so I felt a few little images related to the movie on the Wiki home page would gladden your little hearts.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I wanted to have a COOL IMAGE

this is the Logo of the new club I am forming - if you are as cool as me you can join! I will be the sole judge of whether you can meet the various criteria of "coolness"

As for the wiki site - I wonder why Jason seemd to have it locked for editing on 3 different occasions when I tried to have my wiki way with it.